
Current Functions

Discover the Power of Dollymove

At Dollymove, we believe in creativity and collaboration. Our platform offers the tools and functions you need for your film and video projects. Whether you are a beginning filmmaker or an experienced professional, Dollymove has everything you need.

Interesting Newsletter

Gain deep insights into campaign performance with the advanced analytics. Track and analyze customer behavior for data-driven decision-making.

Diverse Choice of Profiles

Create highly targeted segments based on demographics, behavior, and preferences. Tailor campaigns to audience segments for impact.

Many Useful Tutorials

Gain deep insights into campaign performance with the advanced analytics. Track and analyze customer behavior for data-driven decision-making.

Save Profiles

Measure and report the return on investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns. Generate reports with actionable insights for continuous improvement.

Save Projects

Deliver personalized content and messages tailored to individual preferences. Use machine learning to optimize personalization based on user interactions.

Blog Database

Measure and report the return on investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns. Generate reports with actionable insights for continuous improvement.

Future Functions

Innovations Coming Soon to Dollymove

At Dollymove, we continuously improve our platform to provide you with the best experience. We are working on a range of exciting new features that will be available soon.

Internal Chat Function

Communicate directly with other users and respond to projects using our internal chat function.

Ideas Box for Members

Share your ideas and suggestions for the platform in our ideas box.

Dollymove Forum

A section where various topics can be discussed. Discuss diverse subjects and share your thoughts in our topic zone.